Newsletter 2-2015

Dear colleagues, dear reader

in this newsletter  you will find

  • as usual the chair person´s letter (recent PCCA activities and plannings)
  •  we have Shmuel Erlich´s report in his role as director of the last conference in Kliczkow / Poland in 2014
  • Dorothee v. Tippelskirch-Eissing gave a lecture  in Toronto and New York
  •  for German speaking readers an article in “Süddeutsche Zeitung”
  • we recommend books , articles in newspapers and films worth your attention

Karin Luders, ed

Letter of chairperson, Veronika Grueneisen

Since our anniversary Newsletter published in January, 2015, PCCA has been actively seeking to promote working with our envisioned structure.

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Director’s report: European Victims and Perpetrators Now and Then, Shmuel Erlich

This conference was conceived in the wake of the previous one and in many way was planned as its continuation. We adopted the same title, albeit with a slight change: Instead of “Perpetrators and Victims” this time it was “Victims and Perpetrators”, and rather than “Then and Now” it was “Now and Then”. These quite subtle changes reflected some of the learning arrived at after the previous conference.

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Perpetrators and Victims –Then and Now, Dorothee v. Tippelskirch-Eissing

I have come here to talk to you about a project, to apply the group relations methodology to a series of conferences, that have started in the 1990ies, and which can be seen under the main title of:  “The Past in the Present”.

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Kriegsenkel leiden unter Folgen des Zweiten Weltkriegs – Politik – Süddeutsche.de

(about second generation) for German speaking readers) Kriegsenkel leiden unter Folgen des Zweiten Weltkriegs – Politik – Süddeutsche.de Kriegsenkel

“Warum leiden Menschen, die nach 1945 geboren wurden, unter den Folgen des Zweiten Weltkriegs? Psychologen können inzwischen die Mechanismen erklären – und immer mehr “Kriegsenkel” arbeiten in Deutschland die Traumata der Eltern auf.”



Lizzie Doron  „Who The Fuck Is Kafka“          

This book has been published in German only till now, it is about an  almost impossible friendship between an Israeli (Lizzie Doron) and a Palestinian , both living in Jerusalem.


From Caligari to Hitler

“Did German cinema of the two decades before WWII predict the Nazis’ rise to power? This was Sigfried Kracauer’s thesis in his well-known 1947 book, From Caligari to Hitler, in which he identified “red flags” in the Weimar Republic cinema, from German expressionism to New Objectivity. Through a spellbinding montage of restored segments from prominent films of the era, Kracauer’s thesis (often criticized since its publication) is brought to life. The viewers are presented with the impressive artistic output of one of the most fascinating periods in film history, which saw the emergence of such great directors as Fritz Lang, F. W. Murnau, and Josef von Sternberg.”

“Alfred Hitchcocks holocaust film to go on general release 70 years after suppression – Telegraph“

“German Concentration Camps Factual Survey shows first scenes of Nazi concentration camps but was shelved by the British government in 1945”

Night Will Fall: ‘superb if harrowing’ – Telegraph

“So many images assail us daily, we can overlook the profound importance of some. I still remember the first footage I saw of Nazi concentration camps on the TV history series The World at War back in the Seventies. Engraved on memory, images that informed later history lessons at school, a trip to Dachau in adulthood, meeting concentration camp survivors in Israel.”


From newspapers

One Hundred Years of Silence: Turks Slowly Take Stock of Armenian Genocide

“Officially, discussion of the Armenian genocide is taboo in Turkey, even 100 years after the crimes. But the issue is becoming harder for the country to suppress and many Turks are rediscovering their long-lost Armenian identities.”

Parliament debates WW2 plight of Luxembourg Jews

“(CS/DS) Luxembourg MPs are preparing to debate the so-called Artuso report into the fate of the country’s Jewish community during WW2 in July, with a motion expected to be introduced recognising their suffering.”

A Conversation with an ISIS Suicide Bomber Logistician – SPIEGEL ONLINE

“For one and a half years, Abu Abdullah was responsible for organizing Islamic State’s suicide bombings in Baghdad. He is one of the organization’s rare leading figures to be captured alive. SPIEGEL met with him in a high-security prison in Baghdad.”

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