Introduction of the latest new Board Member of PCCA: Oren Kaplan

Ph.D. in Psychology, BA and MBA in Psychology, Economics and Business Administration. Clinical Psychologist and Hypnotherapist, member of Ofek, President College of Management, Israel.

My interest in Group Relation started in 2000 when I attended for the first time a Group Relation conference run by Ofek in Israel. Since then I was involved in teaching, consulting, researching, and managing teams and organizations, using the psychoanalytic-systemic approach of group relations. The Nazareth conferences and then the PCCA work attracted and amazed me. I was stunned by the idea that opponents and adversaries could cross bridges and generate dialogues about things that usually lie beyond the boundaries of taboos, shame, and rage. I participated in the PCCA 2012 Kliczków conference as a staff member and joined the board of PCCA in 2017. I see the uniqueness and the main contribution of PCCA in bringing the realm of individual and systemic unconscious processes to areas that are unbearable to think of, and therefore are denied, projected, and enacted. Attention and exploration of such processes might pave accessible routes to the muse that was silenced – “INTER ARMA SILENT MUSAS”

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