Announcement of Jona Rosenfeld’s Death

Dear Friends,

We just received the sad news that Jona has passed away. The sadness of this loss was preceded by the shock that Jona’s younger daughter, Yael, died a few days ago. Noa, his older daughter, informed us of Jona’s death.

Jona was a loyal comrade-in-arms and an influential presence in the long journey of the initiation and development of Group Relations in Israel. He was an essential partner in this process, all the way from the inception of OFEK, where he served as its first chairperson, to the birth of PCCA. We know how important these ventures were for him, how dearly he protected their outstanding qualities, and how he did this in his humane, authentic, and special way, with both empathy, forthrightness, and courage.

Jona reached the respectable age of 101, which also meant that in recent years he was gradually less present physically with us. But his presence was still felt and often warmly referred to. He will be sorely missed, and always dearly remembered as a towering figure and Founding Member of PCCA.

One Response

  1. Missing Jona.
    Jona lived a lucky synthesis of German and Israeli identity. The best of both sides was embodied in him.
    Ruhe in Frieden, Jona

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