WAR IN UKRAINE – A Space to Share and Reflect in the Midst of an Ongoing War
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48 participants with 15 countries represented: Germany (12), Israel (7), UK (5), USA (6), Ukraine (4), Italy (3), Canada (3), Poland (3), Russia (2), and one from each of the following: South Africa, Austria, Hungary, Moldova, The Netherlands, and Portugal.
· Mira Erlich-Ginor, Director, Israel
- Christoph Freytag, Administrator
- Leila Djemal, Technology Director
- Ella Maor, Technical Assistant
- Louisa Brunner, Italy
- Fakhry Davids, UK
- Leila Djemal, Israel
- Shmuel Erlich, Israel
- Christoph Freytag, Germany
· András Gelei, Hungary
· Mira Erlich Ginor, Israel
- Oren Kaplan, Israel
- Dorothee von Tippelskirch-Eissing, Germany
- Iwona Soltysinska, Poland