The People behind PCCA

Partners in Confronting Collective Atrocities works towards developing strategies to engage with the internal legacy of past atrocities that can contribute to opening up the possibility of a more hopeful future

our team

PCCA Management Committee

Shmuel ErlichChair

Ph.D., ABPP, Clinical Psychologist and Psychoanalyst; Consultant to Organizations. Professor (Emeritus), Psychology Department, and formerly Sigmund Freud Professor of Psychoanalysis and Director of Freud Center, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem; Training Analyst and Faculty, Israel Psychoanalytic Society and Institute; Regional Representative (Europe), Board of Representatives, and Chair, Education & Oversight Committee, International Psychoanalytic Association; Founding Member, OFEK, Israel

Nadine TchelebiSecretary

Ph.D. Systems-Psychodynamics of Organisations and Groups / Organisational Development Consultant & Team Coach, In Stability GmbH & Co. KG / Expertise: group decision-making processes in organisations / Visiting Lecturer Bristol Business School, INSEAD Fontainebleau / Editor “Organisational & Social Dynamics” / Tavistock group relations consultant / Member of ISPSO (International Society for the Psychoanalytic Study of Organisations), DGGO (German Society for Group and Organisational Dynamics) | Germany

Christoph FreytagTreasurer

Economist, Banker, Development Finance Specialist | Lives and works in Frankfurt am Main, Germany. More than twenty years experience in building and managing financial institutions in Eastern Europe, South-Eastern Europe and Germany. Currently Managing Director of an impact investment management company. | He is Treasurer and Management Board Member of PCCA | Germany

PCCA Board

Leslie Brissett

Leslie Brissett

JP, PhD, MSc, BSc(Hons), FRSA | Consultant to Systems and Executives | Chair of the Board Eggtooth Ltd | Faculty at Learning Communities, Edgewalker Network | Former Group Relations Programme Director, Tavistock Institute of Human Relations | Visiting faculty Change Leaders, Oxford University | Ministerial Board appointments in Health and Education | OECD Forum Member | Board Member REDI Arkansas | UK, USA

Louisa Diana Brunner

PhD | Leadership and Management Consultant, Executive Coach, Family Business Advisor and Researcher | Selection Bocconi School of Management | Graduates’ Career Coaching Bocconi University | Member OFEK, OPUS, ISPSO | Founding Member, PCCA | Honorary Member, Il Nodo Group | Fellow FFI (Family Firm Institute) | Italy

Leila Djemal

MA | Organization Development Consultant and Executive Coach | Founder, past Co-Director and Instructor, TouchOFEK Professional Development Courses | Member and past Board Member, OFEK | Associate, A.K. Rice Institute, USA | Member, OPUS: Organisation for Promoting Understanding of Society, London | Board Member of PCCA. | Israel, Thailand, UK

Mira Erlich-Ginor

MA |Training and Supervising Analyst, Israel Psychoanalytic Society| Founding Member and past-Chairperson, OFEK | Initiated and participated in the “Nazareth Project”, working with trans-generational transmission of trauma in Israelis and Germans | Founding Member and Secretary, PCCA| Co-author of “Fed with Tears, Poisoned with Milk”. | European Representative, IPA Board | Israel

Oren Kaplan

PhD, MBA | Clinical Psychologist, Economist | Associate Professor | President, College of Management, Rishon Le-Zion Israel | Member, OFEK | Israel

Dorothee C. von Tippelskirch-Eissing

PhD D ipl. Psych. | Training and supervisory psychoanalyst in private practice; | Past chairperson of the Karl-Abraham-Institute, Berlin Psychoanalytic Institute (BPI) and Board member of the German Psychoanalytic Association (DPV) | Member of the International Psychoanalytic Association (IPA) | Chair and Member of the Board of Partners in Confronting Collective Atrocities (PCCA) | Germany

Advisory Board

Olya Khaleelee

MA | Organizational Consultant and Corporate Psychologist, Pintab Associates | Professional Partner, Tavistock Institute of Human Relations | Chair of Board, OPUS: Organisation for Promoting Understanding of Society | PCCA Advisory Board | UK.

Anton Obholzer

BSc. M.B.Ch.B. F.R.C. Senior Faculty member Insead Global Leadership Centre, Paris, France; Founder / Director Tavistock Centre Consulting to Institutions Workshop 1980-2002; Director / Chief Executive Tavistock Centre, London 1985-2002. Visiting Professor Universities of Vienna and Graz, Austria. Chairman Tavistock Institute of Medical Psychology, London. UK

Edward R Shapiro MD

Edward R. Shapiro, M.D. is the former Medical Director/CEO of the Austen Riggs Center in Stockbridge, Massachusetts. He is Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at Yale Medical School and a Fellow of the AK Rice Institute and the American College of Psychoanalysis. A Training and Supervising Analyst at the Berkshire Psychoanalytic Institute, he is a clinician, organizational consultant, and author. | USA