Letter of Chairperson – August 2024

by Shmuel Erlich

Dear Colleagues, Supporters and Friends of PCCA,

It has been a long time since we last communicated with you, and so much has happened in our world and in PCCA during this period. I will try to capture some of the highlights of these events and our activities, and of developments within PCCA.

The last Chairperson’s letter by Dorothee von Tippelskirch-Eissing was dated May 2020. It focused on the long period of coping with Covid and its effects on all of us – on our practices, professions, daily and family lives, as well as on PCCA’s activities addressing these hardships. Meanwhile, these hardships have gradually subsided, only to be overtaken by new and more difficult ones.

Following close in the wake of Covid, we experienced in many parts of the world social and political upheavals associated with the rise of right-wing populist forces and attacks on democracy. Unsettled economic and political conditions intensified increasing waves of migration from Asian and African countries into Europe, fueling the rise to power of right-wing leaders and parties. Traditional liberal democracy, with all its shortcomings, gave way in some countries (e.g., Hungary, Poland, Turkey) to autocratic governments. Related or not to this global movement, Israel underwent an attack on its traditional democratic structure, initiated and led by its democratically elected government. It produced a huge popular counter-movement of demonstrations against the government’s attack on democracy. While this popular movement blocked some of these attacks, it is evident that the factions in power (the government and parliament) have not rescinded their aims or efforts, and the revolutionary process is continuing, albeit in a somewhat more covert fashion.

Looming over all this is the huge shadow of the October 7 massacre and the ensuing war in Gaza. Within Israel, the most prominent reaction to the trauma are anxiety and depression. It took the wind out of the protest movement, which finds it difficult to resurrect the powerful response it has achieved before October 7. The internal fissure lines within Israeli society have become increasingly dominant and conspicuous. Outside of Israel, there has been a groundswell of unprecedented antisemitic outbreak. Legitimate criticism of Israel’s government and actions have been absorbed by open calls for Israel’s elimination. It is a most difficult period, marked by uncertainty, imminent danger, and a bleak horizon.
These difficult developments inspired several PCCA events.

In September 2019 we offered an in-person conference in Cyprus, “80 years later, will history repeat itself? The fallout of the Holocaust on those affected. Looking back, moving forward.” It was attended by 43 participants.

In July 2020 took place a “PCCA Virtual Event in time of COVID-19: Living, Experiencing, Reflecting, in the midst of unfolding global turmoil.” It was attended by 56 participants with a waiting list, coming from 18 countries over 7 time zones, from USA to Australia.

In April 2021, an online conference took place: “Walls – open, closed, sliding? The virus, Europe, and our world today,” attended by 65 participants from 21 countries.
In September 2022, another online conference addressed the situation in the Ukraine: “War in Ukraine – a space to share and reflect in the midst of an ongoing war,” attended by 48 participants from 15 countries.

In October 2023, there was another online conference: “Democracy Under Fire – citizens fighting for their values,” attended by 53 participants from 18 countries.
Our forthcoming planned conference takes place online September 6-8, 2024: “The self-imposed atrocity of climate change: The human factor.” We hope to see you then.
These activities signify that although we did not sufficiently communicate, PCCA was extremely active during this time.

There are also changes in our Board. Fakhry Davids, a longtime Board member, has left the Board and Leslie Brissett, formerly of the Tavistock Group Relations Program, has joined, and Leila Djemal will join the Board in its next meeting online and in-person. We are pleased and grateful about these new members who bring fresh inputs and diversity. In addition, Dorothee von Tippelskirch-Eissing completed her term as PCCA Chair at our Board meeting in Frankfurt in December 2023, and Shmuel Erlich was elected and confirmed as PCCA chair.

This development has mandated a change in the composition of the Management Committee, which now consists of:
Shmuel Erlich, Chair
Nadine Tchelebi, Secretary
Christoph Freytag, Treasurer

In closing, I wish all of us better prospects for peace and sanity in a world that has become difficult and threatening. I look forward to greeting you in our forthcoming events.

With all best wishes,
Shmuel Erlich
Chair, PCCA e. V.

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